AI Engineering C++ Design Gameplay Engineering UE4 UI Engineering UI Implementation

Zombie Slayer – AI & Player Controls

3D top-down bullet shooting zombie-slaying game where the player must kill all the zombies in the city to help save it.

What is Zombie Slayer?


3D top-down bullet shooting zombie-slaying game where the player must kill all the zombies in the city to help save it.

What was used to create it?

This game was created using UE4 and was a project in the fall semester of my senior year.

The Team

I was the sole engineer that worked on this project.

Engineer Responsibilities:

  • Creating the UI elements to indicate ammo, health, and number of zombies remaining.
  • Creating the animation blueprint to give the characters more life.
  • Developing a targeting system for the player’s weapon.
  • Developing the math that is used for the bullets to fire towards the targeting reticle correctly.
  • Using state machines to handle animation transition.
  • Creating behavior trees for the enemies to swarm the player.

If you would like to play the game here is a link. I hope you enjoy it!