C++ Design Gameplay Engineering Team Based Projects UE4 UI Implementation

Nesis^3 – UI & Environment Behaviors

Overview: Nesis3 immerses players in a 3D puzzle platformer adventure, where they harness telekinetic powers to manipulate objects, unravel intricate puzzles, and traverse diverse levels. UI Implementation: UI Outline for Nesis3 Game Pause Menu: Following collaboration with designers and the UI/UX artist, we developed the initial flowchart depicting the in-game pause menu. This diagram was […]

C++ Gameplay Engineering Team Based Projects UE4

Valkyrie Quest – Player Controller

Overview: For this project, I was the lead engineer for player controller. I worked directly with 3 designers and 4 artists to develop the mechanics and implement all art assets for the player character in Valkyrie Quest. Specifications: Behaviors: There must be 2 versions of the player, one without a weapon and one with a […]

AI Engineering C++ Design Team Based Projects UE4

Valkyrie Quest – Skeleton Enemies

Overview: For this project, I was lead designer and engineer on a team project to develop a ranged enemy AI. I worked with 5 designers and 6 engineers to solve the needs of creating an engaging combat experience for the players of Valkyrie Quest. Specifications: Behaviors: Has a default idle state. Has Unreal AI Perception […]

AI Engineering C++ Team Based Projects UE4

Valkyrie Quest – Wolf Enemies

Overview: For this project, I was lead designer and engineer on a team project to develop a melee enemy AI. I worked with 5 designers and 6 engineers to solve the needs of creating an engaging combat experience for the players of Valkyrie Quest. Specifications: Behaviors: Has a default idle state. Has Unreal AI Perception […]

3D Graphics C++ Team Based Projects UE4

Valkyrie Quest – Dynamic Snow

Overview: For this project, I was lead engineer on a team project to develop a system in which the snow under the feet of the player and NPC would imprint when stepping upon it in Valkyrie Quest. Specifications: Behaviors: Through the use of virtual textures we are able to determine the order of the different […]

AI Engineering C++ Design Gameplay Engineering UE4 UI Engineering UI Implementation

Zombie Slayer – AI & Player Controls

3D top-down bullet shooting zombie-slaying game where the player must kill all the zombies in the city to help save it.